Working as a Heating Professional Can Lead to Success

Working as a Heating Professional Can Lead to Success

A Need For Frequent Air Conditioning Repair After DIY Installation

Abbie Wade

Some frustrated homeowners have problems with their central air system much sooner than they expected to. One reason this happens is homeowners completing the installation on their own or hiring a handyman. Without the specialized training completed by professional contractors, installation can be faulty or the chosen equipment may be inadequate. Air conditioning repair technicians may be able to fix some of the problems.

The Possibility of Installation Errors

Central air conditioners are complex machines. In addition, a central air unit must be connected with the furnace correctly. The devices share the inside equipment, including the air exchanger and blower motor. Without a certain level of expertise, it's easy to make mistakes during installation. Those errors can cause the equipment to malfunction and break down sooner than normal.

Equipment Sizing

A second reason for problems is a unit too large or too small for the square footage. Even high-quality equipment does not work optimally in these circumstances. A system that is not large enough for the building must work harder than it should. The unit may run continuously in hot weather, resulting in far more wear and tear than normal. A possible solution would be having a cooling contractor install a second unit for a dual system.

It might seem that installing an oversized unit would not be a problem, but that causes trouble as well. Because the appliance is more effective than required, it cools the building down too quickly. That results in abnormally short cooling cycles.

A properly operating machine runs for about 15 or 20 minutes each cycle. Short cycles might run for only four or five minutes. Turning on and off so frequently is hard on the equipment. Electric bills are higher too. Unfortunately, there is no way to fix this particular problem without setting the thermostat higher or replacing the air conditioner. 

Low-Quality Equipment

Installing cheap, lower-quality equipment also can cause trouble early on. In this equipment, the components may wear out sooner. 

This decision often is made because saving money is important for the homeowners. However, since they are not skilled heating and cooling technicians, they don't know how to repair the equipment. In other cases, people make this choice because they plan to sell the place in a few years. Unfortunately, the central air unit then is the next owner's problem. 

Scheduling an Appointment

Scheduling an appointment with a heating and cooling contractor to evaluate the system is the best strategy. The homeowners receive knowledgeable advice and can make an informed decision about how to proceed. 


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Working as a Heating Professional Can Lead to Success

Do you want a job that doesn't require a four-year degree, doesn't have you stuck in an office all day and allows you to use your special skills and training to help others? You might be interested in a career in heating. My name is Carly, and I have been a heating technician for more than 10 years. I am truly a lifesaver to people whose heat suddenly goes off in the middle of winter, and you can be one of those special people too. Read my blog to find out how to get the training you will need to fix and install heaters.
