Working as a Heating Professional Can Lead to Success

Working as a Heating Professional Can Lead to Success

6 Things You Need To Regularly Check If You Have A Boiler

Abbie Wade

If you want your boiler to serve you for a long time without complications, then you have to take good care of the boiler. Below are some of the things you should regularly check as part of boiler maintenance. 

1. Corrosion

Moisture and high temperatures accelerate corrosion. Your boiler system is constantly exposed to both things, so it can easily corrode. Corrosion weakens metal and can easily lead to leakages. Thus, you need to inspect your boiler system regularly for early signs of corrosion so that you can preempt further damages.

2. Water Gauge

The water gauge tells you how much water is in the boiler. The reading is critical since a low water level is dangerous for your boiler. The boiler can overheat and damage if it runs with a low water level for some time. Check the water gauge to confirm the water level and test the gauge to confirm its calibration.

3. Stack Temperature

You should also take regular readings of the stack temperature. The stack temperature is the temperature of the exhaust gases leaving the boiler. The stack temperature is critical since it gives an indication of the efficiency of the system. A high stack temperature indicates an inefficient boiler. The heat leaving the system via the exhaust system should be heating the house instead.

4. Air-To-Fuel Ratio

An optimized air-to-fuel ratio ensures the boiler produces the most heat possible for each unit of fuel it consumes. Efficiency falls if the system accepts too much air or fuel. Too much air may lead to overheating, and too little air leads to incomplete combustion. Hence, a regular analysis of the air-to-fuel ratio is necessary.

5. Water Treatment System

The water treatment system traps contaminants or sediments in the water so that they don't get into the boiler. These sediments not only lead to inefficient heating, but they also encourage corrosion of the boiler. The damaging sediments will just flow through and wreak havoc if the water treatment system has malfunctioned.

6. Fuel Cutoff

The fuel cut-off part of the boiler stops the flow of fuel into the boiler if the water level drops dangerously low. The cutoff is necessary to prevent damage due to overheating. Have the fuel cutoff feature checked regularly to confirm it's working well.

The above checks should help you use your boiler for a long time without complications. If your boiler does malfunction, consult a heating service for help because not all boiler problems stem from maintenance issues.


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Working as a Heating Professional Can Lead to Success

Do you want a job that doesn't require a four-year degree, doesn't have you stuck in an office all day and allows you to use your special skills and training to help others? You might be interested in a career in heating. My name is Carly, and I have been a heating technician for more than 10 years. I am truly a lifesaver to people whose heat suddenly goes off in the middle of winter, and you can be one of those special people too. Read my blog to find out how to get the training you will need to fix and install heaters.
